kamus jawa vs inggris
- Yes mother dont do that: Yo mbok ojo ngono..
- Your head = enDas mu..
- Your eyes ripped = Matamu suwek
- Your bald head = GUNDUL MU !!
- Your knees falling down = Dengkulmu anjlog !!
- Your bellybutton on fire = Udhelmu kobong !!
- Your auntie's money = duwite mbokdemu tah ?
- Your grandfather money = Duwite mBahmu !!
- Your auntie teach you about that? = mbokdemu sing ngajari yoo??
- Your mother goalkeeper = makmu kiper ...
- Like that yes like that but don't be like that = ngono yo ngono ning ojo ngono
- My body is not delicious today = awakku lagi gak enak.
- Your face far away = raimu adoh
- Your lips = lambemu..
- Your bellybutton turn up = udelmu bodong
- Your head smell gum benzoin = nDhasmu mambu menyan
- Cricket !!! = jiangkrik
- Your head was blown = ndasmu njeblug
- Your eyes blind = matamu picek
- Wanna eat your head = Tak kletak ndasmu !

tambahan lagi gan bahasa jawa vs inggris
- Walk slowly on the edge (side) of the road = mlipir
- Faling backward and then hit own head = nggeblak
- Falling/tripping forward (and hit the face) = kejlungup
- Smearing one's body with hot oilment or liquid and then massaging it = mblonyo
- Riding a bicycle = ngonthel
- Got hit by a truck that is moving backward = kunduran truk
- Hot pyroclastic cloud = wedhus gembel
- A small, sharp thing embedded inside one's skin = susuben/ketelusupen
- Things getting out from a container accidentally because of grafity = mbrojol
- Get hit by thing collapsing on top of one' head/body = kambrukan / kebrukan
- Drinking straight from the bottle without using glass = ngokop
- Difficult to open the eyes because something is shining very bright = blereng
- Hanging on tightly to something = gondhelan
- Falling & tripping accidentally because of a hole = kejeglong
- Releasing "wind" from the body using a coin rubbed on the skin = kerokan
- A slip of the tongue, or wrong pronounciation, of particular word = kamisolsolen

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